Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 14!


This is the very last week! hooray! 
I sent my final zine to be published at 
I am finished with the cover, and all ready to roll.
As much as I'll miss this class, I am really ready for this semester to end, and to start a fabulous summer. :)

April 22, week 13

^ that's a glimpse of my magazine cover.

I wasn't in class this week because I was sick, so I didn't make any progress at all. I am excited to be almost done with the project though! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

week 12

[ I'll get a pic in here later]

I got my zine back, and it's pretty spiffy, although I have to change some stuff, like a few of the pages were missing, and there are a few color adjustments that I want to make. I'm also actually making a cover of my own instead of using one of their layouts. It's coming along pretty well though, and my web page looks decent. 

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

week 11

Well, We sent the magazine in this week. The first draft is being published now. It's pretty cool. I had to go in and make one more new spread, it turned out okay i guess. I decided to call the magazine Illusion, which you can see at the bottom of the page beside the page number. I made the zine much more readable since last week, and a lot of those little glitches are fixed up.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 8 & 9

These two weeks, we've been making magazine spreads. This one up here is my favorite so far. I think it works because of the detail of the girl that I extracted from the illustration that makes the title really work. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 7

Assignment: graphic with text

I  started this image with the picture of an outstretched hand that I used illustrator to turn into vector art. The color of the hand was achieved through many layers of different shades of tan and brown.  I added the world, using the elliptical tool and different paint brushes. The sun in the background is a gradient and the words are the sun's rays. I used two different fonts. 

I decided to only show an arm that come from the left side of the screen rather than to fill the entire image with the entire arm. It feels balanced because the sun is more on the right side of the page. I placed a globe in the hand because I felt it gets the many things that I want this piece to communicate through in a simple manner that doesn't overcomplicate the art. I decided to use a font that was spaced more closely together for the inside of the sun because when I think of the sun, it is a hot mess of flaming gases all kind of put together, and the rays are really quite distant from the earth. 

it is based on song lyrics and the idea that life is an illusion, as is death. Some of the words around the sun say "The sun sets, but it never leaves". In a way, I imagined some religious superstitions with this, with the sun representative of a higher power, and the earth as the rest of life. There are so many concepts that are present in this piece, which is probably why I have enjoyed making it so much. You can interpret is to be talking about anything form global warming to friendship if you want. 

Monday, February 23, 2009

Week 6

Assignment: Illustration With Text

I used illustrator, obviously. I used the gradient tool, slanted text, and different kinds of brush strokes. I want it to show, mainly, the ideas that the song Do You Realize?? display, "You relaize the sun doesn't go down, it's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round". Playing off of that, I want to display the theme illusion.

I put the arm so that it stretches out a bit more than half way through the page, and I tried to not keep one specific focal point, because the entire picture is important to understand my ideas. I decided that instead of just having the earth and the sun floating beside of each other, it would be cooler to include the earth into the illusion idea by having this arm holding it, kind of signally the earth's fragility compared to the sun.

Like I already wrote, it is based on song lyrics and the idea that life is an illusion, as is death. In the second of the pictures, I started to add some words. The words around the sun say "The sun sets, but it never leaves". In a way, I imagined some religious superstitions with this, with the sun representative of a higher power, and the earth as the rest of life. This is probably my favorite piece so far.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Week 5

This week, my work will be based off of the song Do You Realize By The Flaming Lips. The illustration will attempt to capture the lines  "You realize the sun doesn't go down, It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round". It will feature an outstretched arm holding onto a spinning earth with a large sun in the background. I am thinking of, if not for this week, for next week making the earth look as if the clouds are forming a skull to bring out the element of death that the song brings up. I am going to incorporate the word illusion into the illustration. The illusion is the message that I want to deliver, that many things are not really how they may appear.  

Friday, February 13, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Week 4

Craft: How did you do it? I used Illustrator, and on it the pencil, blob, and pen tools.

How did you improve it? His tatoo and chair look a lot more real, and his drum looks better too.

Composition: Why this photo? I liked that I could play with more than just Lincoln's face.

Why these colors?
I wanted to go with a pop color scheme, so I used reds, blues, and purples.

Concept: Where or when should Lincoln go by next week?
I don't know...He could go to woodstock :)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Week 3

How did you do it?
I used Illustrator, and on it the pencil, blob, and pen tools. I used various color schemes.

How did you improve it?
It is a lot more pulled together. there are less random lines.

Why this photo? I liked that I could play with more than just Lincoln's face.

Why these colors?
For the rocker lincoln, I used red for his jacket, because i wanted a color that would really POP!
the blue period lincoln displays his gloominess in a more dramatic way.

Why did you arrange the page the way you did?
I thought all of the colors looked cool.

Where or when should Lincoln go by next week? I want him to be a total rocker.

**The images look different than how they uploaded...their colors are distorted

Monday, January 26, 2009

Week 2

How did you do it? 
I used Illustrator, and on it the pencil, blob, and pen tools. I used the pop art color scheme. 

How did you improve it?
It's been improved by showing a happier side to Lincoln. I don't think he was always frowning.

Why this photo? I liked that I could play with more than just Lincoln's face. 

Why these colors? I felt like bringing out some positive in brightness in Lincoln, because his images are usually kind of gloomy looking. The guy is described as warm, so why not portray him as that...

Why did you arrange the page the way you did? 
I thought all of the colors looked cool.

Where or when should Lincoln go by next week?  I'm thinking maybe the 60s.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Week 1

Assignment: Set Up Blog

supplies- A photo of myself, a computer, and the internet.

Why this picture? The Texas Donut makes me happy.

Why this template? it's polka dotted... (later changed to this clean cut template)

Who is your hero? My mentor growing up, Erika.

What makes you the happiest? Music always makes me happy.
Where did you come from? I come to this class from the S-wing.
When did you get blamed? my older brother pinned a lot on me.
Why do you keep doing this? I don't really know, but I hate having dirty nails.
How do you feel? I'm a little hungry.